I just had a sit-down with Ross Mayfield, and saw that his laptop was encrusted with stickers from startup Web companies. Reminded me of Esther's laptop, which is even more stuck-upon -- I think she's added half a pound of carry weight to her ultralight X40.
As Ross describes it, "Stickers are the new business card." Joi started it, he says (and even makes odd coin consulting on laptop sticker placement in movies). And when Ross sat down with Catarina and Steve recently, their first order of business was exchanging stickers and slapping them on their laptops.
Speaking of sticking to things (sorry), I've gotten a half-dozen emails this week from friends and acquaintances who’ve wanted to know if I was on vacation, or dead, or what, since I haven't blogged lately. I'm neither vacating nor dead. Just busy with my day job at CNET, plus writing Works for Me, Rafe's Radar, and Anchordesk. Will try to post here more often.